Columbus, GA Truck Accident Lawyer

When a large commercial truck collides with a passenger car, the physical, emotional, and financial consequences can be severe for the victims. Life-threatening injuries, long-lasting trauma, and overwhelming medical bills can make life feel almost impossible. But it is essential to remember that you should not be responsible for these burdens if another party has caused them. Filing a truck accident injury claim is the first step to recovering compensation for your losses.

The experienced attorneys at Sherrod & Bernard, P.C., understand that dealing with insurance companies can be challenging, especially when recovering from an injury. Our seasoned legal team can handle all aspects of your claim so you can focus on healing. Contact us today for a free consultation with a Columbus, GA, truck accident lawyer and learn more about how we can help you.

What Makes a Truck Accident More Severe Than a Car Accident?

Any traffic collision has the potential to cause devastating damage and injuries. However, truck accidents have a higher probability of resulting in catastrophic injuries. This is due to the significant size difference between passenger vehicles and 18-wheelers. A fully loaded semi-truck can weigh up to 80 tons — about 20 times as much as the average passenger vehicle. As such, a collision between the two can impart a tremendous impact force on the smaller vehicle, even at relatively low speeds.

The increased severity of these accidents also means that victims require more financial compensation to be made whole again. But with all this money on the line, trucking companies and their insurers have a vested interest in short-changing you to protect their profits. That’s why optimizing your compensation requires the help of a truck accident attorney — one who is thoroughly familiar with trucking regulations and Georgia personal injury law and isn’t afraid to fight back if the other side won’t play fair.

What Are Some Causes of Truck Accidents in Columbus?

Many truck accidents in Columbus, GA, are the result of mistakes on the part of truck drivers, trucking companies, and other affiliated parties. These mistakes include:

What Are Some Different Types of Truck Accidents?

the-truck-zone-and-your-accident-riskAmong the more common kinds of truck accidents include:

  • Rear-end collisions
  • Sideswipe accidents
  • Rollover crashes
  • Jackknife accidents
  • Underride collisions

What Are Common Injuries from Truck Accidents?

Severe injuries usually stem from truck collisions, such as:

Do Truck Drivers Have to Follow Certain Regulations on the Road?

Yes, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) oversees strict regulations for commercial truck drivers operating across state lines, including:

  • Hours of Service – Drivers may not drive for more than 11 hours per day or for more than 14 hours after coming on duty. They cannot drive for more than 60 cumulative hours in a seven-day period or 70 hours in an eight-day period. They are also required to take rest periods.
  • Drug and Alcohol Testing – Mandatory testing helps enforce sobriety behind the wheel. Additionally, commercial drivers have lower permissible blood alcohol content (BAC) limits of 0.04 percent, half that of other drivers.
  • Regular Medical Exams – Drivers must pass routine vision, hearing, and health screenings.
  • Load Securement – Cargo must be properly distributed and tied down.
  • Equipment Inspections – Trucks must undergo routine maintenance checks and servicing.
  • Licensing and Training – Special commercial driver’s licenses are required.

Violating these rules could constitute negligence in a truck accident injury claim.

Who Can Be Held Liable for a Columbus Truck Accident?

Several different parties can bear legal responsibility for a truck accident in Georgia, including:

  • The truck driver, if the accident happened due to negligent behavior like distracted driving, impairment, fatigue, or disregarding traffic laws or trucking regulations
  • The trucking company, if they directly employed the driver or pressured them into ignoring HOS regulations, failed to inspect or maintain the vehicle, or engaged in negligent hiring practices
  • Cargo loaders, if unsecured cargo contributed to the crash
  • Mechanics, if they failed to diagnose or repair a faulty vehicle component
  • Vehicle manufacturers, if a design or production flaw leads to a crash
  • Government entities, if poor road conditions contributed to the collision

A Georgia truck accident attorney can thoroughly investigate the accident and determine all liable parties. Their experience and understanding of the law make it easier for them to seek compensation via every available avenue, thus increasing your chances of recovering the full compensation you deserve.

Can I Be Compensated for My Injuries and Damages?

A successful truck accident claim can provide you with compensation for losses like:

  • Medical expenses, including ambulance rides, ER visits, hospital stays, doctor’s appointments, surgical procedures, and medications
  • Lost income due to missed time at work
  • Reduced earning capacity if your injuries lead to a long-term disability
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Property damage

How Long Might a Columbus Truck Accident Lawsuit Take to Settle?

Negotiations with insurance companies can take several weeks or months. Once a settlement agreement has been reached, you should receive your compensation payment within two weeks. However, if the insurer is unwilling to offer you a fair settlement, your only option may be to file a lawsuit. Legal proceedings can take months or even years to conclude and may also be subject to appeals. More complex cases often take longer to reach their conclusions.

That said, each case is unique. An attorney can give you a rough estimate of how long your claim may take based on similar cases in your jurisdiction.

Does Georgia Have a Time Limit for Filing a Truck Accident Lawsuit?

Georgia law gives injured individuals two years from the accident date to file a lawsuit. Failure to do so may result in the forfeiture of your right to compensation for your losses. Working with a knowledgeable truck accident attorney can prevent you from missing this crucial deadline.

Contact a Columbus, GA, Truck Accident Lawyer

If you have suffered injuries in a truck accident in Georgia, the experienced legal team at Sherrod & Bernard, P.C., can help you demand the compensation you deserve. Contact us today for a free, no-obligation consultation to learn more about how we can help you.

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