Category: Auto Accident

Car accidents can cause a wide variety of different injuries. The sheer force of a crash can violently slam a person’s head forward and backward, making back, neck, and spinal injuries extremely common. These injuries are often painful and can result in a victim suffering from a herniated…

Chest injuries – everything from bruised sternums and broken ribs to internal organ damage and severe bleeding – are among the most common injuries people suffer in car accidents. Research published in the National Center for Biotechnology Information suggests that up to 80 percent of blunt chest trauma injuries in…

Did you sustain a severe injury to your arms or hands in a motor vehicle accident in Georgia? If so, you might be owed significant compensation if someone else’s negligence is to blame. Our hands and arms are crucial to countless daily activities and tasks. An injury to…

If you were injured and incurred property damage in a car accident that wasn’t your fault, you would likely turn to the at-fault driver’s insurance for compensation. Your goal is to get enough money to cover your medical expenses, repair your damaged car and recoup other costs associated with the…

After a serious car accident in Georgia, you may wonder how long it takes to resolve the accident claim and recover compensation for your injuries. You may be facing significant financial stress due to medical expenses and loss of income from missed work. When you’re facing these challenges,…

If you’ve suffered severe injuries in a car crash, the cost of treating major injuries can quickly amount to thousands of dollars. You may face additional financial hardship if you have to miss an extended period of work. If another driver caused the accident, you may file a…

Police, firefighters, and emergency medical responders must respond to emergencies as quickly as possible. While reaching their destination is a priority, emergency vehicle drivers must still exercise due caution, or else they run the risk of causing a severe injury accident. If you were injured in a crash…

More than one driver could be at fault in some Georgia blind spot accidents. Comparative negligence comes into play when multiple parties are liable. A partially at-fault driver can still collect compensation for a blind spot crash under Georgia law, so long as they are no more than…

If you’re involved in a car accident in Georgia, you’ll need to report the accident to your insurance company if you want to file a claim under your policy for injuries and damage to your vehicle. This is true even if the accident wasn’t your fault. However, it’s…

The aftermath of even the most minor car accident can feel disorienting. If you suffered serious injuries in the crash caused by someone else, you may be facing costly medical bills, time away from work, and significant changes to your daily life as the result of a crash. Dealing with…